Motivational Videos

Anjal Binayak Adhikari
2 min readJan 16, 2022

Motivation is a fleeting emotion

Motivation (noun):
a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Motivational video is a pleasure chase. It is just a fleeting emotion that gives a sense of accomplishment for a certain period of time.

It will program your mind to procrastinate because you already received a spike of dopamine by feeling a sense of accomplishment.

It is ironic that motivational videos do not motivate you to get to work instead it motivates you to create motivational videos.

Notice next time you watch a motivational video, you will be urged to give the same speech to someone else.

I used to watch motivational videos a few years ago, but I realized that it is just a waste of time.

It does no good. It only makes us feel good to procrastinate.

The truth about watching Motivational Videos

A person who consumes motivational content in any format is not serious. He just wastes his time doing meaningless activities.

The sad thing is he is not aware that he is wasting his life. He numbs himself with cheap emotion(pleasure) which is fleeting.

A serious person does not need motivation for his pursuit in life. He is innately motivated and driven by his innate calling/desire/wants.

Do the work. Working constantly creates momentum. That momentum will make you flow with such a speed that any motivated person cannot catch up.

The only hard thing about accomplishing some work is starting the work. It requires 80% mental effort to start any work and only 20% to accomplish it.

I write regularly, whenever I don’t feel like writing, I start writing about why I don’t want to write. After writing 100 words, I get motivated to complete the writing.

The only problem is to start, the rest will follow itself.

Watching Motivational videos, reading books are just another form of procrastination.

Stop watching motivational videos, start working.

